Plant Spirit Healing
+ Sound Bath
{{ Hagerstown, MD }}

Be guided within on a spirit journey to meet and connect with loving plant spirits via mediation and visualization. This intuitive journey will be accompanied by the sounds of the drum. After this meditative, healing, and inspiring journey, relax and experience a sound bath with crystal singing bowls, Native flute, chimes, intuitive singing, and/or other beautiful instruments. Sound healing is like a vibrational massage for the body, mind, and spirit.
Each group plant spirit healing + sound bath is different, depending on the energies and which Plant spirit(s) want to come through. There will be optional opportunities to share with community. This is a safe, sacred space.
7 - 8:30 pm EST
at Hagerstown Holistic Wellness
in Hagerstown, MD
What to Bring:
-Yourself, as you are.
-There are some yoga mats and blankets in the space available for use, but feel free to bring whatever would make you feel comfortable as we relax and tune in (eye mask, pillow, extra blankets, etc). There are also chairs available as well.
-Journal and pen, if you'd like.
-Consider bringing an item you would like charged with your intentions and healing energy from the evening. This can also be an offering to give back to the Earth (a few examples: a flower, bowl of water, crystal).
$30 per ticket. If you want to pay with cash at the door, please email me at to reserve your spot. Thank you!
Venmo: @sabrina-madsen (picture of me surrounded by yellow flowers)
Why plant spirits? What is plant spirit healing?
Plants are highly intelligent, intuitive, multidimensional, and powerful beings. Everything has consciousness, including plants, trees, and flowers. This is something many of us in the modern world have forgotten; indigenous cultures all around the world now and throughout ancient times, hold and have held strong recognition, honor, respect, understanding, and love with the natural world, and thus each living being and element as a fellow Spirit, a family member.
Plant spirits have a direct, pure, unbroken, never-distorted, clear line to divine energy, Great Spirit, Source, God, the oneness, the presence, etc, whatever word that you like to call it. The way I experience their healing is through resonance. The plant spirits vibrate at their specific frequencies, sacred blueprint, or archetypal energy, and in this way, they hold space for us to resonate with that frequency ourselves.
What can be experienced during this session?
Aura healing & energetic repair
Release stuck energy
Clear and transform blocks
Receive spiritual guidance / insights
Feel centered and grounded
Spiritual / Nature connection & relationships
Relaxation and rejuvenation
All of the healing benefits of a sound bath
and more