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Welcome, soul friend.

Hi! My name is Sabrina and I am an artist, energy work practitioner, and intuitive. I love to help people tap into their own truth and intuition. I believe that each of us carry our own answers within and have an innate ability to heal ourselves.

I currently offer group and private sound baths, monthly workshops, different kinds of one-on-one sessions including energy healing, sound healing and past-life regression, as well as handmade jewelry, pottery creations, flower essences, and sacred art.








who we help: who is this work for? speak to my ideal clients. who are my ideal clients?

OOOHHHHHHH "relax, ground, connect, feel centered with a sound bath, energy healing session or poo poo bop bop.!!!!!!"

Tap into your intuition, relax, feel at ease, heal, feel grounded and centered,  and connect with your heart during a meditative sound bath, healing session, or workshop.


A sound bath is like a vibrational massage for the body, mind, and spirit. Enjoy a meditative, relaxing sound bath journey with crystal singing bowls, drumming, Native American flutes, intuitive singing, and other beautiful sound healing instruments.

Grab this from my session descriptions and sound bath descriptions!!!!!!!!! Perfect for anyone who wants to relax, reduce stress, connect with their heart, toodly doo, empaths, etc. When we are connected with our truth within, what magic happens.  people who want to relax, authenticity, authentic self, empaths, sensitives, ppl who want to find their truth and authentic voice, soul purpose


I currently offer group and private sound baths, workshops, different kinds of one-on-one healing sessions including energy healing and past-life regression, as well as handmade jewelry, flower and crystal essences, and sacred art.


how it works (as in, what are the steps someone goes through to get in touch and start working with you) = book a session button.

include private sound bath request.

pic of Maywoods retreat




Serving in person sound baths, healing workshops, and holistic retreats in the Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, West Virginia panhandle, and beyond. Private healing sessions are available within a private studio space in Hagerstown Holistic Wellness in Hagerstown, Maryland, as well as online.


Sign up for the e-newsletter to hear of poop poo and pop.

crystal singing bowls, flute, altar, flowers, roses, chimes, sound healing instruments

:: Private Healing Sessions ::

available by appointment- online or in-person

Intuitive Soul Medicine sessions are held in sacred space and designed for you to feel empowered, tap into your own inner knowing, and embody more of your own authentic self. Each session is intuitively guided and will work with different healing modalities and practices. What is your intention?

  • Tap into your own intuition and be clear in your own inner knowing

  • Create/embody a new reality

  • Create abundance in your life

  • Receive clarity

  • Clear and alchemize old beliefs, creating new empowering ones

  • Discover and transform energetic root causes of dis-ease or issues/patterns in your life

  • Embody your highest self / most authentic True self

  • Feel grounded and clear

  • Energy self-healing / energetic hygiene techniques

  • Develop your spiritual/intuitive gifts

  • + more.


Private Sound Bath Session~ Experience the healing sounds of crystal singing bowls, drumming, Native American flute, and other beautiful sound healing instruments. This is held in a sacred, safe, space for you.

What is a sound bath? Sound healing is like a vibrational massage for your mind, body, and spirit. The sound vibrations move throughout the body on a deep, cellular level, breaking up stagnation and toxins. These pure tonal frequencies resonate in our bodies, encouraging balance, harmony, healing, and wellbeing. Sound as medicine has been used in ancient cultures all around the world, and has a long list of benefits, some of which include stress reduction, boosting immune system function, relieve tension and anxiety, balance emotions, promote relaxation, encourage overall wellbeing.

What can I experience during a private sound bath?

  • relaxation

  • receive intuitive guidance / spiritual insights

  • relieve physical pain

  • relieve anxiety, & depression

  • relieve brain fog

  • clarity

  • feel centered/grounded

  • balance emotions

  • clear mind

  • release baggage

  • dreamtime-like state of being / spiritual visions

  • and so much more! Each sound bath is unique and customized to your intentions.




Energy Healing sessions are unique to your intentions, and begin with a grounding meditation to set the space.

  • Cleanse, balance, and purify your energy (aura)

  • Release/Clear blocks, stuck or stagnant energy

  • Clear negative cords

  • Feel grounded & centered

  • Relieve anxiety, depression

  • Relieve pain/fog

  • Womb healing / clearing

  • Encourage harmony, relaxation, and overall well-being

  • + more. What is your intention?



Past-life Regression + Healing Session ~ Experience a guided meditative journey to visit a past or future life, and quantum heal yourself. You carry all of your own answers within you and have a natural ability to heal yourself.

Common reasons for why one would want to experience this session:

  • Health- to learn the root cause of an illness or health issue and transform it

  • Understand the root causes of physical illness & dis-ease

  • Heal trauma from this life and others

  • Heal ancestral issues

  • Understand relationships

  • Life Path- often related to career, creating abundance, purpose

  • Self-heal your energy. Similar benefits to an energy healing session.

  • Heal and clear wounds / blocks

  • Expand spiritual gifts

  • Receive clarity on life purpose. Why are you here?

  • Feel grounded & centered

  • Soul retrieval

  • Deepen connection with higher self / loving guides

  • And more


Intuitive Readings are held in sacred space. As a clear channel, I will share intuitive messages / insights from Great Spirit/Creator, your higher self, well ancestors, loving spirit guides. Please be clear on your intention for this session.










Book a Private Sound Bath or Healing Workshop for your special group! 


Guided energy healing, women's circles, group past-life regression, connect with plant spirits, and others. Click the button below to book a free call to discuss, or inquire via email.

Your special sound bath or workshop is perfect for many gatherings:

  • retreats

  • wellness or holistic event

  • birthday

  • rite of passage

  • mother's blessing / baby shower

  • anniversary

  • wedding celebration

  • bridal shower

  • office team experience

  • educational presentations

  • just because, and more!

"I've had the privilege of hosting Sabrina for several private sound baths at our home. She is highly intuitive which makes her beautiful sound work customized to your group. Everyone that has came to share this experience with us has shared really amazing experiences.  Hosting a private session allows for an entire new level of comfort that I feel enhances the experience.  I've also found that when you are in a more intimate setting that we tend to share more with each other.  Highly recommend!"

~ Jessica



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our location/service-area (as in, where do people come to receive services,

Sabrina offers public sound baths and various healing workshops in Maryland, West Virginia, Pennsylvania, and Virginia. Check out the 'Events' tab on this website to view upcoming events. Sign up for the newsletter to receive news of upcoming events. Connect on social media, Instagram and Facebook.


Private healing sessions are available in person at Hagerstown Holistic Wellness in Hagerstown, MD in a private treatment space. Most services are also available for booking online via Zoom call/video. To book, go bobbityboo.

how far do you travel for events/services).

She is available for private sound baths, workshops, retreats, and circles in Maryland, West Virginia, Pennsylvania, and Virginia.

©2024 by Earth Astara

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