Outdoor Sound Bath
at Soul Food Farm LLC
((Shepherdstown, WV))
Join us outdoors at Soul Food Farm to experience a special immersion of healing sound. Enjoy a sound bath with crystal singing bowls, drumming, Native American flutes, other beautiful sound healing instruments against a backdrop of peaceful nature sounds. A sound bath is like a vibrational massage for the body, mind, and spirit.
Friday, June 30
at Soul Food Farm LLC
7 pm -8:15 pm
(please arrive by 6:45 to settle in as we will begin promptly at 7)
1665 Persimmon Lane
Shepherdstown, WV
Farm Notes:
Please drive slowly, and park in the gravel parking lot.
*** Please arrive by 6:45 pm as we will begin promptly by 7 pm. Thank you! ***
What To Bring:
-Yourself, as you are.
-Yoga mat/blankets. Whatever would make you feel comfortable as we relax and receive sound healing. An eye mask, pillow, extra blanket, etc.
-Journal and pen if you'd like.
-Consider bringing an item you would like charged with your intentions and healing energy from the evening. This can also be an offering to give back to the Earth (a few examples: a flower, bowl of water, crystal).
$25 Ticket. Cash at the door or PayPal/Venmo accepted. If you would like to pay with cash, please email me at earthastara@gmail.com to reserve your spot. Thank you!
PayPal: earthastara@gmail.com or click link here
Venmo: @sabrina-madsen --> (picture of me surrounded by yellow flowers)